Reading back through some archives, I realize that in some ways I was kind of in the same place that I am now, I'm still home with the baby, we still did JDRF, still the mom of three wonderful boys. In some ways though, I'm much different. My confidence that I would surely find a job when I went looking has been replaced with a strong fear that the whole time I juggled being a mom with a full time job and being a full time student is going to climax with me becoming a shift leader at the local wendy's. My faith in my relationships with friends and family have been rattled and some I'm not even sure are repairable. All in all, this last year has been one of the best and worst for my little family and in the end I think we'll be fine. I'm just trying to kind of get re-oriented and then work on getting back on track mentally.
That all being said, being home has given me excessive amounts of time on my hands. I've started looking for small things I can do while I'm home that I wouldn't usually have time for. Things like going to the library and putting all the books on Jeremiah's book fair wish list on hold so that when they get back to the library I can pick them up and we can still read them (with out the hefty price tag) or baking muffins once a week (the current family favorite is almond poppyseed). I've also joined a web "cooking club" of bloggers. Once a month a baking challenge and a cooking challenge are shown and then I'm supposed to make my own version, write about it on my blog on a certain day and post pictures (my first challenge is a vietnamese soup and I'll be posting my results on Oct 14 in case you're interested) and then on October 1st I'll get my first baking challenge and that'll be posted sometime later. All in all an interesting way to try something new, meet some new people, and have a shared experience. I think that's what I'm missing out on most is shared experiences with people. I mean, the people you work with have things in common even if it's just in regards to he job at hand. I just have to keep working to find ways to incorporate that into my life more.
Anyways, I'm doing well, we're doing well, things are going well.